Technical Dashboard USB charging specs

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Technical Dashboard USB charging specs

Mar 8, 2020
I'm not getting along with using my smartphone for navigation for various complicated reasons and am considering switching back to a Tomtom or similar PND. Can someone please remind me what the power output specs of the dashboard USB socket are for device charging purposes? I'm assuming old school PNDs generally draw less power than a smartphone given that they use slower processors and run fewer radios etc?
I'm not getting along with using my smartphone for navigation for various complicated reasons and am considering switching back to a Tomtom or similar PND. Can someone please remind me what the power output specs of the dashboard USB socket are for device charging purposes? I'm assuming old school PNDs generally draw less power than a smartphone given that they use slower processors and run fewer radios etc?

its likely just a 1amp output (or even less possibly), so will barely keep up with a modern phone running a satnav app. bit of a shame really!
Cigarette lighter is usually fused at 15A. There are USB chargers that fit into the socket that provide 2,1 or even 3 Ampere.

gr J
Hi Marcus. Some USB chargers don't fit in that cigarette lighter port. How can I tell if I'm ordering something that will actually fit properly, please?
Cigarette lighter is usually fused at 15A. There are USB chargers that fit into the socket that provide 2,1 or even 3 Ampere.

gr J
Can you please tell me how I can be sure the charger i order will fit properly in that cigarette port?
I think there are standard measurements for lighter slots. However if they are a tight fit or wobbly is not for me to determin. In my Panda I fitted a double USB instead of the lighter, but I have had chargers that were a good fit (and others that weren't).

gr J(eroen not Marcus...)
Just to answer your original question, I am pretty sure the dash USB is a USB 2.0 port so max charge current will be 500mA. The standard rating for a cigarette lighter socket is 10A @ 12V. The current you can get from a cigarette port charger will be down the specifications of whatever you buy.
USB was created by computer bods, and was immediately grabbed by all and sundry to power everything. Designed to give enough power to allow a good data feed, it is rated at 500mA.
Most dash fitted USB ports will be the standard 500mA. Some manufacturers are giving more power, btu these will usually be marked with their output, so if unmarked, assume 500mA. Not enough to maintain a smartphone using nav, let alone charge it.

When cigar lighters were invented, there was quickly a European standard, which Fiat still doggedly use. The Japanese, didn't conform, and standardised theirs slightly smaller diameter. Most manufacturers now use the smaller size.
Accesory plugs have to be able to fit into the smaller socket, and have spring clips that hopefully expand enough to grip the larger holes. Sadly, it is rare to find one that fits snugly. Even tight ones will wobble, especially with a cable hanging off it, and will occasionally disconnect.